Episode 07 - Nicolas Esgain discusses how CommUnity for Europe was created to better serve the evolving needs of European citizens

Show notes

This episode features Nicolas Esgain, founder of Phrenos, a Belgian agency specializing in government communication for European institutions and international organizations. Nicolas discusses how CommUnity for Europe was created to better serve the evolving needs of European citizens.

Nicolas highlights the challenges of diverse populations, language barriers, and budget constraints, focusing on long-term impact. Optimistic about future growth, the agency invested in a business development unit to secure major European contracts and anticipates rapid expansion in the next two years.

Learn more about the agency:

Community for Europe (C4EU) unites ten European SMEs specializing in communication, marketing, and events. Together, we craft a compelling narrative for EU government communication. Discover C4EU:

Produced by DAS POD (https://daspod.at/).

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